Hi! I am Keith

My work is a form of visionary storytelling. Its focus is to depict commonalities in thought, pattern, and worldview from a variety of different perspectives. My goal is to capture and interweave the common thread that presents itself in these narratives- that there exists a shared ancestral story that connects us, a mutual home that we all came from and can return to.

The detail and structure of my work draws from my background as an architect as well as my induction into art making through the drawing of mandalas. My work as a painter grew from expanding on these patterns- introducing characters and ideas as stories to be told within this template. My work explores the building of these patterns along with their deconstruction- with the disintegration of these patterns as important a device as their composition. My art intends to introduce the viewer to a multi-faceted visual path that is theirs to explore.

Keith Prossick
